Online Referral forms:
Due to high volume of incoming referrals we are aiming to contact you within 4 weeks. Please make sure your browser is up to date, or try another browser if you have any issues filling in the forms online. Thank you Jasmine House Team
Do you want to self-refer or refer someone to Jasmine House?
Our Counselling Service provides specialist sexual violence support only, we do not provide crisis support. If you are in immediate danger, please contact police by dialling 999, or for urgent mental health support, please contact Mental Health Central Access Point in Leicester on: 0808 800 3302. If the incident happened recently and you would like to complete forensic examination, please contact Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) in Leicester: 0116 273 3330
Jasmine House offers short-term counselling service, of 12 sessions that is being delivered in person, via telephone or video, once a week, at the same day, the same time with the same worker. All our counsellors are females, and they are mix of fully qualified and placement student volunteers. We work from a person-centered approach and may use some integrative methods, depending on your needs. All sessions are free of charge.
Before making referral to Jasmine House , it is important to take into consideration that inappropriate referrals can put pressure on our small voluntary organisation, where we do not have the resources to offer complex support. Furthermore, opening about sexual trauma (which is often complex) can be difficult and triggering for some clients. Without the right mind-set, and commitment to make changes in life, trauma counselling could cause more harm, than good to survivors.
Therefore, Jasmine House have identified criteria in which we will be accepting referrals:
We can accept referrals from clients:
- who are females
- who are 13 years old or older
- who live in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
- who are registered within GP practice in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
- who speak English language
- who experienced any type of sexual violence, including harassment in their life (either recently or historically)
We cannot accept referrals for clients:
- who do not meet the criteria above
- who are not ready to open up and talk about sexual violence trauma
- who are in mental health crisis
- who are active in suicidal planning, or recently has had suicidal attempt (in the last 6 months)
- who recently experienced psychosis (within the last 12 months) or has any psychotic diagnosis
- who has been admitted and/or discharged from psychiatric hospitals on multiple occasions (in the last 12 months)
- who are dependant on illegal drugs or alcohol (service users must recover from it for at least 6 months)
- when sexual violence recovery is not their main concern and currently struggle with other major life changes, e.g. bereavement, terminal illness
- anyone being investigated for or convicted of sexual violence/assault. (Jasmine House doesn't offer the support for perpetrators, instead you might consider of contacting ww w. )
- anyone who might be at risk to themselves or others
For any agency referrals, please complete the
organisation referral form
If you are referring yourself then please complete one of
self referral form
What happens once we receive your referral?
When we receive your referral we will call you and offer you an appointment for an assessment.
Once you have been for your assessment you will be adding to our waiting list which is currently at approx. 8-9 months waiting time. Whilst you are waiting for our counselling service you will be offered the chance to join our Support group. See Support groups page for more information on this service. You will then be contacted as soon as a place becomes available for you to start your counselling.